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- St Francis, Eastern cape/Garden route area, South Africa
- Medically based beauty and health clinic providing free online confidential consultations conducted by certified doctors. As professional on the net as were are at our clinic. As efficient as I have ever been. E mail direct or whatsapp +27 794676567 .
Thursday, 28 December 2023
Deep vein thrombosis and elastic stocking
Tuesday, 5 December 2023
Soul expression deferred
Monday, 27 November 2023
Too much is made of contrast. In fact it's the only way we know how to learn most tasks. Hot or cold. Rich or poor. Fast or slow. IQ’d or politician. Dead or alive.
Contrasting and competition as far as one can see. Win at all costs. Fly higher or lower the pass rate for the masses.
The basis of our learning is structured upon the degree to which anything is purported to be that what it’s supposed to be.
Remove the competitive contrast and we're lost. Remove the cage and we shut off. Our essence is forebrain centered.
The very last tract in our evolutionary brain journey is all we can muster. Trapped in 3 D. God couldn’t have created that mutant as our best survival strategy, more so after letting the devil roam free amongst us. Yet it's all that characterizes us as humans. No wonder the snake won the garden of Eden battle.
There's no comparative analysis at subcortical level. At the very basic anatomical level, hypothalamus and amygdala to be specific, fright flee fight response has no degrees or contrast. Every cell works in harmony with the rest of the system. No rear view mirrors. No self identity.
Between these two evolutionary bipoles psychiatry is thrown very little light to dissect the subject cortically. If that was the right platform to use in the first place.
Most other animals primary response to environmental stimuli is based sub cortically, okay substantial amount.
The primordial unity is all but lost in social inhibition humans have had to endure. It's showing in our psych file epidemiological history.
Religious scholars can butt in here but I think Jesus was alluding to exactly that in Matthew’s 6: 25 to 34 when he said that the birds with less forebrain liability have an advantage over us. They are not worked up about what’s on the menu for tomorrow.
Meditation is an Everest to summit for most of us. Shouldn't erasing self should be child's play?
We can’t even lay claim to any functional IQ advantage over human civilizations before us or the childish innocence we took years of education to erase. We got little to defend our evolutionary conflicted and anxiety laden pathway.
Pyramids and some of the temples built on monolithic rocks immediately shuts all but the most ignorant talking heads.
A neurone can’t say to a hepatocyte that am more important than you.
Each does what it does best for the unit to survive. It knows no liver. Each can’t live without the other.
Is it possible our forebrained développement trapped us into a spiral of self destructive vortex that can only lead us to extinction?
Was Jesus saying something scribed in small print that we missed? Is Revelations genotyped?
Before you shoot me down, I do believe creation needs a black hole on the flip side. The amount of energy one needs to form particles from energy can only be provided by black hole input. The amount of energy lost to make our momentum static should be somewhere difficult to hide too. Gravity can't be all we left with.
E =mc². Data is conserved.
Do the basic maths. Maybe Mâlema can be given immunity at this level. Hand work not much use here.
I arrived at this from scientific end point. I need balled religious souls that can look Jesus in the eye and come back with answers to form confluence of thoughts, not just castles of hope buildt on dry sand. No matter how spiritual I am, which is an overstatement, I have no right to form a religious opinion and I am not going to. We have just too many opinionated people with little brains to back it up.
We have been past the event horizon before, if both science and the Bible got to be believed. We should be able to rise above mental decay rapidly swallowing humanity before we cross the event horizon line again. We need divine intercepts here for the whole to be realized. We need to be One or the black hole will literally make us one without much choice.
We need the apple tree. Where is the damn snake when one needs it most.
If biochemistry and physiology of beauty and health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured
Sunday, 26 November 2023
Friday, 22 September 2023
Non dominant brain edged out
There is a pattern to chaos, if AI has to be believed. The beginning of life didn't come by random chance. God didn't throw no dice. I hope Stephen Hawkins is deep enough.
Evolution is planned and logical. God and creation could possibly be factored in, given time is relative. That chemical reaction to form proteins and DNA from ancient cosmic soup post big bang as planets started to coalesce into mass collections was part of the equation.
Left handers
are not intuitive passion driven, from the heart beings they'd always been
portrayed to be. It's a scam of epidemic proportions. Scam to let impulse control traits or mishaps express without constant réflex punishment. .
Crushing news to all the left handed souls out there whose
biggest advantage against the majority was just that, unpredictability. AI is found
you out. AI has put the lid on the little advantage you had up to now. The racquet is saved.
If we are all logical, deductive and therefore accountable, what’s to happen to life?
What’s is to happen to the heart. What's to happen to art and magic of discovery? What is to happen impulsivity? Making two plus two seven. What is to happen to love? What is to happen to intuition?
Shouldn’t we genetically just shut out the right hemisphere of
the brain and safe the racquets from mass destruction. We do need order for civilizations to thrive. 10% of the population is nothing
to sniff at though. More so if you stray into mental institutions. The percentage gets
to be much higher. They're here for a reason.
The cost is just too much. A lot more so if you consider the
fact that some of those could be there because of the rigid dominant hemispheric institutional structures we're born into in the first place.
Anyone who's ever tried using the left hand to even cut a
suture will bear testament to that.
Opening a door is a task.
Drive using the left foot to interchange between a brake
and accelerator and check your heart after five minutes. Have mercy on John McEnroe or Nadal to a lesser extent. For
what gain do they have to go through that much slog, if they can't even hurl an insult at the institutions.
I am no left hander. The mountain of impediments to their
daily survival should make mounting Everest an afternoon stroll in the park,
yet they supposed to compete against the dominant brain folks.
The very individuals educational curricula were fashioned around. Very individuals science and businesses is built to fit glove in hand. The very individuals whom scissors are made to for.
But then if everyone is riding on the shoulders of the giants before us, who can see the grass without the racquet breakers. One wrong turn by the giant and we all f'd