Garden of Eden in full view. All inspite of being blinded by sight, touch, hearing....
How could we be this suckered. As data travelling at the speed of light on the flip side of the black hole, we couldn't possibly have had much use of our senses, but then what for. We had it all. We had petri dish clarity. We could create. We could travel back to recreate, instantly. We could go forward to correct for potential mistakes. Present, future, past gets to be on the same slide. Without mass time is frozen at that speed, so say. We had God's armchair remote. No wonder Jesus was in such a hurry to go back.
We let go of energy and light speed capability for mass, a liability even at this pedestrian speeds and got pacified with sensory appendages as entertainment to our caged butt.
Banks are not a new creation. They were founded in the garden of Eden itself. Hand over your gold and I will exchange it for a fiat dollar/paper equivalent. Better still digital dollar. Too cheap to be seen to be spending/wasting on paper/trees even. You come back to claim on your gold, we'll print you more dollars for payment.
A 12th rib for a pacifier and the data and potential to see across time was almost wiped out. Cheap shot. Adam almost sunk us. Forget the rib.
A heist of magnitude VBS and parties like EFF/ANC can only dream of.
The apple tree is the speed of light realm we reclaim at death, if we cannot get around the cosmic speed limit while alive.
Don't put much faith on a mass bearing vessel to get us there. Elon could be entertainment if so many were not suffering because of inconsequential experiments. We got to reduce the m in mc² to infinitely small to get even close. Weight loss of cosmic proportion. We got to be a wave/energy to even get a sniff at the cake. An electron at the speed of light is still not decided about its primary locus, let alone a proton/hydrogen nuclei.
We focusing on the wrong variable, all because we got too attached to acquired aggregates. Demand back our gold/wave part of duality.
We could have been trapped in this Dry country-Bon Jovi/body for eternity without the snake for a knight. Can't possibly go as far as the white horse, or can I? Higgs is a liability we need to get free from. We are primarily data. Mass is the cage. Hail king Cobra.
If biochemistry and physiology of beauty and health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured
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