Professional belly burning clinic

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St Francis, Eastern cape/Garden route area, South Africa
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Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Doomed to being Fat? Should our Genes come to our Rescue?

I believe in genes, so much so that I have to stop myself and argue the opposition’s point of view to give them an equal footing most times. Freud to the core. Only monozygotic twin studies separated at birth and still for example having a high concordance of whatever trait in different environments, can a gene component be inferred. The rest is conjecture. Your gene determines your outcome irrespective of your environment. 

When on the other hand you subject hopefully genetically variant individuals to the same environment and say find a higher incidence of a certain behaviour or disease is flawed. The genetic variability  supposed to be an inherent part of such a study can only be assumed. Years of evolutionary convergence or selection of a specific trait giving a community or species an edge over say a disease could theoretically play havoc with any supposedly randomly selected sample.

I will be bold and say you can at the very least independently control your BMI irrespective of your gene, at any time irrespective your environment. I will go further and say you can decide how many abs you are prepared to expose irrespective of having KFC directly opposite the gym or your house. Being fat is a choice or should I be specific as we look at this from pathological point of view and say belly fat is a choice you impose on your coronary arteries and you can revoke that anytime. Genes have minimal part to play in this which is unlike staying thin irrespective of gorging like a pig which is evidently genetic.

Insulin resistance is an acquired trait imposed on us by food processing and industrialisation. This was a necessary evil to keep food fresh for longer. The sheer mass required to feed the lot that have no part in growing their own food is literally loaded with toxins and hormones with unforeseen long term effects. The need to have that chick or hatchling ready to feed the masses in two weeks has placed undue expectations on science with the complications of non organic food a daily exposure on the streets of first world countries for history to judge us by.

We have greater than 70% obesity rates. That is epidemic in anybody's language. If it was infective, we would be extinct. How our governments don’t legislate on it can only be explained by the other side of the coin, the gains they make from the weight loss industry or should we say the yo yo industry. Keeping a lost weight in the history books is as impossible as keeping a heroine addict off the rails. To keep it in the past you simply have to be part of our group, period. Stay and feed on Mac Donald that has no big Mac side effects. Even a breast cancer victim has a better prognosis.

If biochemistry and physiology of health  are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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