Professional belly burning clinic

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St Francis, Eastern cape/Garden route area, South Africa
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Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Sex, Hunger and the true nature of Men, Selfish to the core

My philosophy professor opening statement during one of the earliest lectures of my university education haunts my every discovery. We were at pains to appear sophisticated fore brained evolutionary marvel that we claim to be, humans. We assume intelligence has freed us of our evolutionary or brainstem initiated instincts but a research into music industries most successful artists proofed recently that sex and not creativity rocks the stage. Riana is selling sex.

I am in health and the easy access the advertising industry has to our most basic of needs, food, is another good example of that. The addiction to carbohydrates that follows the bite is a further nail in the coffin to lifetime customer base entrenchment we cannot escape unless we die of course. My colleague only recently stamped the book shut as we heatedly debated the altruism that was then assumed to have propelled us further up the evolutionary ladder when he said ‘men are dogs.’

Silence descended upon us. Even the priestly among the group had to shut up as this inebriated fool was not drunk enough to miss any detail in our previous indiscretions  and yet could not be blamed for declaring what is said and done in confidence and secrecy of manhood. Our gaze dropped as we fidgeted tried to avoid direct eye contact. This was no time for stupid brave moves. We had to give him a little more alcohol to forget enough detail not to make sense before we could breathe a sigh of relief. That none of us was brave enough to call his bluff made me think twice, could we really be dogs. That unfortunately brings us back to that brainstem instincts we have tried so much to escape as moral beings.

Diseases like anorexia nervosa, depression to name a few is a direct result of the conflict between the socialisation and expectations of the society and family contrasted to those of inner you, which is the brainstem, nude with no frontal influence. We are not intrinsically altruistic; we are not naturally giving if we can’t see the gains even imagined but gains all the same accruing to self. Bush doesn’t intervene in Somali civil war for a good reason; there are no oil reserves to protect. No one dreams of giving without receiving and wakes up without a sweat and smiling. We dream of lotto wins to name probably the most frequented and that's our nature, recipients. Give me the priest dream and I will paste it on Motsepe’s without erasing a word, we are dogs as men. By the way man means human, sorry ladies.

If biochemistry and physiology of health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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