Professional belly burning clinic

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St Francis, Eastern cape/Garden route area, South Africa
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Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Stupidity, BEE and being black are not equivalents.

Being a doctor in private should be the easiest on ones morality tax, if only money could be divorced from treating the patient in need.

Being a doctor in the HMO system I have always thought should be a little more difficult. Forcing patients to be healthy is not for the faint hearted. A carrot can and should only have a limited incentive effect before you need a stick. You can't make a meal off a bag of carrots.

Being a doctor in the state with the new changes the government made is hell. You need to care very little about your patients. Clockers, they are trying to conform us into. Shouldn't it be the other way round? The price the patient pays is totally divorced from what he gets in the state.

Historically, we always had patients as bosses in all systems. Yes, patients are bosses in the HMO as well; to keep the rates per patient low for rest of the group members you need healthy samples. The whole group is represented every time each individual consults or complicates.

Over the past few years though, we now have BEE politicians serving a different master making decisions on behalf of doctors/patient as if they had more than a median nerve to empower them to do that in the first place. The worst part is that the government seems bent on replacing every professionally qualified and intellectually interactive black with an ANC right candidate, agreeable and very little decision making power. We have seen that weeding ruthlessly continuing at parliament level right down to hospital CEOs. Herd mentality is preached across the board, unfortunately even the herd needs at the least a head.

I have always preferred a nurse for a CEO for a different reason. We need all the professionals at work and on patients rather than disciplining a cleaner.
When that CEO decides to buy you a tool that you can't use though because it was made by a connection or because it was cheaper, that defeats the purpose of patient care. You can't break burglar bars when there is fire, if only the median triggered a response before the installation. Buying a hundred blown engines will never get you on the road no matter how close to God or politically popular you may be.

When that CEO feels so insecure that medical decisions have to be sneaked in midnight to even see the daylight, the trust is broken. The patient sees a doctor and a nurse and unless consultation is made with all or at least some of the above, we're driving blindfolded.

The last such BEE and ANC flagged official I had to deal with, ended up dead due to a frontal lobe meningioma. I swear I am not related to that meningioma, nor do I have control over it. I am not that advanced. 
He died with us doctors blaming his stupidity on a normal deviation within a politically same club on a bell graph. 
If only someone could have held him down for one to examine even just the disc. 

The following year they replaced him with another, even more incompetent and my colour, black. How they can hand pick so many median nerve backed retards in a sea of so many intellectuals has always bedevilled me. We don't have to agree. Mbeki and Mugabe are black, disagreeable but still makes me proud to be classed in their subset. ANC is now a total misrepresentation of what black people are capable of.

I am afraid we getting a repeat of that now. Is it possible to be that intellectually challenged. I have decided to not be a witness of where this will end.

 If  biochemistry and physiology of and health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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