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Thursday 24 November 2022

Death is neurological

Death is I should repeat at the risk of sounding tautological, neurological. Anything less or possibly more has potential complications way beyond medicine. Stories of waking up from the dead and worse still, suspended life as in cultural folklore are rampant.

You don't want to have to pray that your loved one die in peace after conspiracies of suspended animations by supernatural beings surface. Opposite, waking up in the morgue just as bad. We seem to be trapped between creation and the death. 

We have no reach beyond our six senses, which unfortunately is physical and earthly limited. We have no reach beyond death and birth curtain. You're bound to be taken for an expensive ride if you try venture beyond what you objectively can see. 

Diagnose death right from the very beginning and starve the charlatans off their sustanance. It's a wild west outside the objective world.

There should be no brainstem reflexes on a warm body, okay at least environmental temperature if you're not in sub zero zones, and if you happen to be, warm it up. A flat EEG is not a prerequisite. Mind you I didn't say flat ECG or absence of a heart beat. Beings can be salvaged for time after heart stopped, dependent on external factors. TV might look fancy but it's not medicine. With experience one adds non objective criteria that shouldn't be science, like the bloodless greyish skin hue bodies attain with no circulation.

Hypothermia is going to be our next big frontier in medicine. We use it opportunistically without understanding it much, otherwise nobody would be physically dying if we had even 5% extra edge. We could be suspending life everytime we can't manage a complication. It is as close an objective edge a living being can get to the edge and come back with all his marbles accounted for, okay most from an observer point of view. It could be the source of data that will change our perception of the way we view this side of creation. It could be our peep into intergalactic travel and creation. It could be a window into eternal scenario. 

Freeze button so to say until we know what we are doing with a little more certainty. 
Frozen at the edge of the black hole in science, with potentially creation or birth on the other side. At the beginning everything was energy. As close as we can get before the end everything is accumulated mass. Granted some more massive than others. Whether one is talking big bang, genesis or birth to death riddle. E =mc². When either mass or energy approaches a certain critical point, a leap into the parallel universe happens. The total energy divided by mass stays a constant. Just the records or data gets to be re written, and we are left asking questions. 

For reasons we don't yet know, scientific information at the edge of black holes is scanty or misread. Nobody has come back with analysis good enough for science to work on yet. Nobody with a computer to enter data anyway. We learned nothing from asking Zuma to read back the finance data. 

It helps little to attack this issue from the other side of the curtain either. Nobody speaks new born dada language. We have no recollection or interpretative skills once the amniotiitic fluid dries off either. Good riddens seems to be the general attitude.

If only more people came closer to edge. With  so much fear created about the black hole, we can't possibly hold our breath. 

If biochemistry and physiology of beauty and health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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