Professional belly burning clinic

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St Francis, Eastern cape/Garden route area, South Africa
Medically based beauty and health clinic providing free online confidential consultations conducted by certified doctors. As professional on the net as were are at our clinic. As efficient as I have ever been. E mail direct or whatsapp +27 794676567 .

Thursday, 8 February 2024

Hemorrhoids or Piles

Hemorrhoids or piles as Oxford will have us define it as, is as embarrassing to disclose as it’s difficult to medically manage. Fortunate this is texted, not dictated, otherwise I might stand accused of overstating the source. Difficult times when feelings are more important than facts. Surgical intervention in very good hands is probably the only medically accepted treatment that gives satisfactory results to most complainants, that is if you don’t mind wearing a pad for over a week or so.

We do make them disappear overnight with unconventional treatment though, without fail, so far.

No theater booking no blood letting other than that we found you swimming in to start with and importantly no pads. All this self administered topically in the privacy of your own home. A relief even for the best doctor. We don't operate on any after lunch for a reason. We want to be prepared in case bleeding gets to complicate the post op recovery. Too many variables to hemostasis breech to ignore anything as cry wolf hot air from an uptight nurse. 

The grade is of no relevance. Grade I is wasting though. Using Mike Tyson to throw out Michael Jackson équivalent, so to speak. The size or associated rectal prolapse is not a challenge at all. Pregnancy only a relative contraindication more so if early.

Associated retroviral disease not likely to be improved by our treatment though. I said Mike Tyson, not Jesus Christ. 

Long term recurrence not studied though as the treatment is not conventional. The studies will therefore be difficult to approve. The subjects are still hemorrhoids free, longest being 5 years post treatment. Added benefit is that it doesn't  leave out number 2/3 in case they not external yet. 

Butts are for riding, not protesting. 

Follow our whatsapp link to a pad free tomorrow. Follow this link to view our catalog +27794676567

If  biochemistry and physiology of beauty and health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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