Nobody made damn nobody do nothing.
Science, or Newton 3rd law of motion to be exact, says for
every action, there is an equal an opposite reaction. I have never believed in
a note pad scene observations.
Jesus Christ became a target the minute he said an eye for an eye leaves Israelis a blind nation. He was trying to say no to such shit. The law was hard wired into their main frame drive, up to as recent as Newton.
You're accountable for every reaction. Leaving that sword sheathed is an activity or decision path for which there is a reaction in itself. Noble and difficult path I have to say, because it depends not on the outside influence/perceived initial action.
Many a nation are still roaming this universe blind from the ignorance of yesteryear. Unfortunately some are wielding the big stick/sword, exacting untold damage to what is left of God's creation.
Nobody it seems reads the Bible right no more. The sermon on the Mount is trampled to shreds by IQs incapable of basic comprehension. We are here as crawlers, to learn, so as to add to the Source/Christ.
He didn’t stop his teaching there either. 'Stick that ear back' I keep hearing His voice as he motioned the blood stained sword back. Escape the cage and the ear gets to be common part. Yes, yours too. This moment is as tormenting to spiritual beings as the double slit experiment is to science.
I hope I’d done better with even my 14 yr old before untimely
separation than some heads of states calling themselves civilized have. Jesus
sole purpose, as primary crawler, if your capacity was only half a megabyte, is to erase that very error code in our brains. The mentality that
you can see peace rise out of ashes of war. The Bible and the law was no use in turning the Titanic either. It created it. It fermented it until brains became hair style display platforms for most.
This misconception could easily have been erased from the mainframe computer if you asked me. I am talking about Genesis I or the Word. No crucifix, no gore nor sad songs to scar the mere mortals this learning curve has had was really warranted. No psychopathic Israeli/American nor German presidents from earlier to reduce us to starvation in our own backyards.
The creation mainframe, the CV
of old testament and the wrath of the first phase of triology seems to show it was
deeper than just a simple matter of an anti-virus scan. It's scripted in blood, animal, human and God's, if you include the cross. It's scratch pad mistake after the another, in defense of self. It is God totally at odds with what one expects of Our father theme. I guess it’s something one can only hope to clear
up once there, face to face. Is it us or God that needed malware treatment the
Back to Newtonian laws. The amount of energy entering the black hole is beyond measure. Maximum energy any particle can attain(light) is gulped. Show me the equal and opposite reaction following that, even à hiccup will do. The misconceptions that we are bodies with intrinsic mass and weight is Newtonian and very flawed. Both are characters conferred on us by the Higgs boson. We are by nature only a wave/spirit. Only in that form are we freed. We are a construct of our subjective observations, 'objective' science included. Jesus dropped the hint in moving the mountain parrallel. It was meant to be literal, if Higgs was factored in. We got led astray by rudimentary science of the day though.
Time is an error laden product, all man made. The past, the future can only be an illusion, all present of yesteryear traveling through space in our temporal lobes. Multiple fixed slides like a movie along the straight line graph of time/displacement, if we could only catch up to max speed. Réaction can précède action, if à higher moral ground is reached. Time is hallucinations, resultant from a caged mass.
It seems we need to lose the pad and enjoy the ride. Lots's still coming our way that entrenched maps can only impede or even annihilate, l'est we attempt taking observational notes of the Black hole, at the event horizon.
If biochemistry and physiology of beauty and health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured.
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