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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Fat and happy

There is a tribe in central Africa that insists on a fat bride irrespective of her genetic make up. Lobola measured in cows is paid at a scale of say fifty kilograms with an expectation that she would be ninety by delivery date. The minimum delivery kilogram level is not negotiable. If the expectations are not met the number of cows to deliver is slashed and the bride’s family is disgraced. Derivatives and options at their most complex of you asked me. 

I don’t know what tradition then saw in a fat bride and the insistence on the fat state maintenance throughout married life.
In my jaundiced view I see osteo arthritis, hypertension, cholesterol, gallstones, etc. I will be brave and say they probably saw happiness. There was no J Morgan's of modern stocks to bleed the poor then. 
What is even more surprising is none of these supposed complications surface.

I will start with men; they have always been simpler beings. Being fat and chubby in men is associated with being at peace with your soul. 
We probably should mind the high testosterone associated with the iron Mike group and for the same reason the higher estrogen in the fat and estrogen factory group but that still leaves you with a blatant fact that nobody leaves their kid under Mike’s care and Luciano is probably running a crèche in heaven. 
I am scientific and expect to see the underlying variables matched but results in retrospective studies speak for themselves.

Women on the other hand will be represented by Posh, Oprah and all the depressed obsessive compulsive groups yo-yoing between normal and anorexia.
This is obviously abnormal if you compare them to Queen Latifa and Monique group. 
If fat that is produced gets converted into estrogens, what is it in the estrogens that lead to the serotogenic calming effect that we see as the end result.
In contrast does Mike have to be that violent and what purpose does it serve to satisfy the testosterone urge. 
God made everything to make sense. 
The link that testosterone and the procreation and survival of the species have should be there for someone to find. 
Many women will probably say that is dependent on which head has the most blood when decisions have to be made. As men we work with both and respect them equally.

Why do women fall in love with a testosteronic male, change him into an estrogenic male once married and expect to continue receiving the positives from both characters is another puzzling factor. 
Does nurturing and mothering the children override the protective role the male has to play and serve as a transparent shield between family and outside aggressors?

We will on medical grounds always favour right weight for height as BMI prescribes, but then every now and then there will be issues beyond biochemestry and physiology that we have to address. We hope we 've done them justice here. 

If biochemistry and physiology of health are the elements of every mix, then results are guaranteed 
  you should remember is our domain.

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