Eating very little and yet maintaining your body weight should be celebrated in evolutionary terms. That is what happens when your metabolic rate grinds to a halt as you lose weight.
Such organisms survived the great droughts that almost eliminated man during pre historic and even the bible times. That we don’t see eye to eye with decreased BMR today says very little about physiology. Another starvation period and the preferred high metabolic rate group will be the first to die. The problem is that drought and starvation is very unlikely to come for long and in the meantime we are being wiped out by diabetes, coronary artery disease , breast cancer to name only a few.
This should make you better understand why your body will resist any form of weight loss assault you may try to start and maintain. This should make you understand why we yo yo for a life time and make weight loss industries very rich being customers over and over again.
They are sure not going to make you aware of this. If you imagine a pendulum suspended on a string being pushed further and further away from the centre, you will naturally need more energy to get same displacement as you move away from the resting point.
Fat packs more energy pound for pound than dynamite. That should make you count your blessings that it is not dynamite packs you have on your waist line for energy.
Only a good understanding of the facts behind your response to weight loss is going to keep you healthy not just shapely. That black women had a comparatively higher drop in BMR for same weight loss measured in BMI units should give them no excuse to stay fat. ‘It is in my genes’, many will say, ‘I am more energy efficient.
That energy efficiency constant is called BMR (basal metabolic rate) and is responsible for making weight loss hell for many a woman, and men.
Add to that the fact that the most energy expended is due to BMR, and you need a degree from Wits to lay it on the table. I will complicate this even further and add the fact that you need the nutrients in most food (non processed food) to be healthy, so you can’t starve either.
Get informed and stay ahead of the rat pack in"> beauty and health matters.
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