South Africa may have the best infra structure in Africa, unfortunately it is best known for other ways not as beautiful to rhyme.
It also is the HIV flag bearer in incompetence at political level and this is linked in a way not easy to dissect or digest, to being a rape capital of this world.
I am a big follower of the intellectual forays of Mbeki. His government was one of the most intellectual I can think of in a long time. The late Kader Asmal, P Jordan, Naledi Pandor etc. It is very unfair to throw names around as I will have to fill the whole blog with just names.
Unfortunately we now have Malema equals filling posts they can hardly master. The ANC newsletter doesn’t even attract flies; it is long dead and forgotten.
His (Mbeki’s) downfall was HIV and rape. It affected him at the emotional level (amygdala) and led to his suicide if I can borrow the medical word to use in politics. Somebody as bright as him shouldn’t have gone down without us moderates taking to the social media. We just didn’t know if he was still there to support.
The HIV mistakes are still continuing unabated. The situation may even be worse because there is no engagement at the cortical level let alone the emotional level Mbeki used to lash around without much control.We need Mbeki mentality of questioning to overcome this hurdle. We need intellectuals to reverse what doesn't work.
There are questions that will make HIV our worst cross for a long time to come. We kept our mouths shut for too long and let Mbeki’s of this world get involved in the crossfire with little medical knowledge. Dissidents are no excuse for ignorance.
There is a law introduced recently forcing mines to employ females underground to jobs they can’t even do. Mining is a physical job in confined spaces. This leads to the same women having to be nice to their team leader to have him covering up for the vacancy that cannot be filled. This leads to lower production from underground employees. This leads to increased labor costs which the mine can ill afford now, but will be even worse hit when resource prices fall in view of poor growth around the world.
China is joining the growth malaise as well, don’t pin your hopes there. This leads to high pregnancy rates and more important high HIV incidence amongst underground women.
Who has anything to gain from this; it is definitely not the woman underground and for sure not the employer. Could the government or the union possibly be ignorant enough to think this benefits anybody.
Supposedly it is not possible to wear a condom underground because the male organ is dripping of sweat all the time, so knowledge about HIV prevention is of little help if you want to keep your job as a woman underground.
The right that a couple has not to be tested even when pregnant is another hot point driving our lead in HIV stats. A statutory impedance to HIV control measures.
How do you leave the interest of the unborn baby with an ignorant parent? The same parent if made to understand the implication of what he did to his now HIV positive baby may never forgive us tomorrow.
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