The fat handles you are massaging as you read this article will still be there next year and will need another new year resolution unless you focus on what makes you fail at an emotional level.
Thinking and planning is easy but we need your expectations to be in line with physiological possibilities to get anywhere.
Exercising an abs muscle for example never got rid of belly fat.
· Very difficult to get through the thick skull of a fanatic or newly enrolled belly fat challenged young woman but I will repeat this till doomsday; it is not in a one muscle exercise.
· You need to exercise as many and as bulky a group as possible and push yourself beyond VO2 max, (red muscle fiber) rest with static weight exercise (white muscle fiber) i.e you have to be breathless
· Repeat as many cycles as you can given the recovery periods in between.
· Increase the intensity as well as the repeats.
· Pain (lactic acidosis) should be your limiting factor.
· Comfort is bad for you; it is aerobic and very efficient in burning calories. It is your enemy if fat loss is your mission.
1. You need to waste to burn fat.
2. You need spills.
3. You need Bolt not Bruce Fordyce
4. You need a old V8 American engine build when petrol was cheaper than water in your BMR ram
Eat as we prescribe on our diet advice menus on the side bars.
- It is not a starvation diet and you will need the nutrients not only to replace the muscle needs but to keep healthy from disease and build more muscle.
- You need to replace fat with muscle and keep the BMR boiling (you lose most fat while resting)
- Remember you exercise for one hour and rest for twenty three.(better chance of fat loss during the twenty three}
- Eat low GI, non processed, home cooked meals (no fizzy drinks and no takeaways)
- Starvation diet drops BMR (read leptin and insulin related blogs in our arsenal)
Sleep your physiological share of eight hours every night.
· It restores your leptin levels.
· Cortisol needs circadian rhythm to control and to keep stress in check.
· Adrenalin, nor adrenalin reduced by sleep.
· Growth hormone for your eternal youth is increased by sleep.
If biochemistry and"> physiology of beauty and health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured
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