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Thursday, 4 August 2011

Alzheimer's and How it affects the Family

Bloody sick doctor to find space to talk about Alzheimer’s when an average life span of an African child is forty years. How could he find space for a disease that afflicts almost none of our elderly? The tests needed to diagnose such diseases are way beyond our means.  Which world does he live in?

You don’t choose your patients. 
Each patient affects your emotional psyche differently. 
Women in general inflict more injury to your protective wall than men. 
A man will sit in your chair until you examine a diagnosis out of him. 
A woman in contrast will give you so many as she walks through the door, if you are not careful you may be accused of  trigger happy mentality when it comes to scripts.

Today’s blog  is not about the sick or the dead, but those they leave behind and the effect it leaves on them. Alzheimer’s is as good as any to be studied in this context, mainly due to it's genetic (who is next) and hereditary trait plus the fact that you only really can be sure about the diagnoses late when they eat their own excreta or post mortem.
It takes a toll on the family members. 

Women metabolize death differently, they inhabit the experience fully, with its sorrows, and its calm stretches its dramatic explosions and even the humorous moments to borrow from Time magazine.
Being comfortable just being there without a spanner to fix something is not a male trait. 
Being helplessly carried away by the rhythm of nature is something we fight to death. We learn very little from such an experience. 
We get scarred for life.
The effect of Alzheimer’s on the male as compared to the female species of the family is vastly different.

Alzheimer’s brute nature doesn’t help matters either. 
The higher you are, the harder you fall, and so does your family. As I said at the beginning it does seem like the reason why we see less of Alzheimer’s in the disadvantaged is because they die earlier, and people will notice the effect a lot less. 
You were never in the public eye to start with. 
You were never showered with praise for the excellent research articles published in the journal of nature.
You never won a Nobel peace prize.
God supposedly loads each and an every person only that what he or she is capable of carrying. Maybe we were not meant to suffer the indignity that such disease ushers on the family as a group as the poor and should cherish that while it lasts.

If biochemistry and ">physiology of beauty and health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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