The picture out there is a very sad one; people have lost the battle against weight and the fast food industry. Two of every three people are pathologically obese. Had it been an ideal Darwinian situation, nature would take over; this population would not be able to breed if they had to compete to mate, the defective gene would be wiped out and a fat resistant and Usain fast gene would take root. That is natural selection at its best, if ever there was in view of the fact that IQ doesn't seem to be factored in. That is as God meant it to be. We are only a gene carrier, programmed to pass it on with every gene conferred advantage at our disposal.
Unfortunately we have always worked against evolution as people. That is probably the very reason why we are fat and infertile from all the processing, toxins and high GI food saturating the fast food industry and our dining room table. An infertile man will have his sperm extracted from his Sertoli cell, IVF’d with his wife ovum that because of polycystic ovarian disease is probably gene transfer challenged too. Both abnormalities would be fused to form an even more abnormal offspring. Contrast this with a salmon run or pyramid building society of prehistoric era if IQ was sneaked in. All this because his medical aid can afford it, or better still he can pay cash for it. At what cost to the gene pool? Teargel expression of the past is eyesore of today. As one patient once rightly claimed, I don't owe you or nobody no six pack. Buffalo humps as far as an eye can see.
That said, it should not be surprising that we have accepted failure and relegated our middle age and or old age (if we manage to survive that far) to cancer and heart disease ravaged wheelchair bound existence, with pain a constant reminder of our earlier indulgences.. Addictions for most people is strong enough to elevate downing chips or KFC to a level higher than sexual orgasm, the primary goal. Sex becomes only a mechanical tool to get money to buy chips and carbohydrate fix, the 'real' kick.
Gone are my student days when a corky but honest and to the point philosophy professor asked the class why we went through the inconvenience of schooling and improving our CV. A barrage of answers spilled out, knowledge, coastal property in Monaco, Ferraris name it. Most noble I have to say. The answer, he intercepted was to get the best lay on deck. We are only a cock carrier. We are duped. Whatever material cost you incur is only to add to your feathery display as a peacock. We are basically animals with real and obvious needs. The cortical or frontal lobe excuses is only a noble cover, hoping nobody gets wiser. The real programe is inside your lower head, waiting to express itself the only way it knows how, XY. It has to be protected at all costs until delivery. Ask the black widow spider, if you can find one with a task completed. Ask the antechinus rodents or the salmons. They don't have no denial of the blue print sent down from above. We are only a sperm vessel. Period.
Blushes from left to right as our innermost intentions lay bare for everybody to examine, specifically the women you have been eyeing.
We could probably claim that dopamine that binds to nucleus accumbens is the same irrespective of whether it’s released through an orgasm or carbohydrate addiction, not to forget the monk out of sight in front position. Baton dropped damn cheating monk.
I hope we chose the healthier dopaminergic release, unless you are a black widow spider male of course.
Where is the remedy for sore eyes? Sustanance for the worker bee. Take me back to zero time displacement to rescript this gene code. We are sinking. This titanic has no default button.
If biochemistry and physiology of health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured
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