Professional belly burning clinic

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St Francis, Eastern cape/Garden route area, South Africa
Medically based beauty and health clinic providing free online confidential consultations conducted by certified doctors. As professional on the net as were are at our clinic. As efficient as I have ever been. E mail direct or whatsapp +27 794676567 .

Friday, 23 September 2011

A Comb and your Hair Loss

Hair to a woman is a presentation so central that it could make or break her makeup. Meticulously combing it everyday doesn’t help allay their fears either as the hair is there on the brush as witness to her misery, on a daily basis.

Hair product industry is second only to the weight watchers when it comes to sales dishonesty. It is a Wild West out there and the chance that any supplier will know what he is laying on your most precious mobile display cabinet is less likely than being given a year’s tax holiday as a birthday present by the taxman, every birthday. Multiple mistakes will be made as getting your favourite is trial and error and there will be many forced hat days when anybody who comes close will be mistaken or purposefully taken as Al Capone and pumped with enough lead to be toxic even in  afterlife. Talking about toxic lead leads me to heavy metals like thallium poisoning that could lead to hair loss that from medical point of view but should be the least of one's concerns. The view from inside the cabinet, the neurological defects will be much worse.

Lift your shoulders a little though as there is an acceptable amount of hair loss build in to the system. This is maintained by an equivalent amount of hair regenerative capability even after those new and unknown supplier disasters, but when the loss is geographically circumscribed, it is almost always pathological. Don’t go for laser therapy, it will make it worse as the pathology is not remedied. Changing your hair products should not help either in the case of geographical hair loss. Maintain your nutritional balance as per our ‘diet’ programs and the regenerative engine will take over. Even selenium that may in such high regenerative growth times be deficient is rarely a problem if you are not on one of this deficiency diets littering the industry. We eat everything as long as it’s natural and not processed from our clinic and yes you do shed weight.

As a woman you are not immune to familial bald patches and hormonally driven alopecia even though it would be at much lower incidence outside hypothyroidism. 
Connective tissue diseases will need you to come in for assessment. Even when we found no cause, we would transplant the hair as final and last resort. 
Thus that possibility that you may be denied entry into the pearly gates as Bob Marley suggests  is only theoretical if the display cabinet is used for what it's meant for, analysis.

If biochemistry and physiology of beauty and health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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