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Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Sanity, could it be an acquired trait after all?

Any new priest on the field should be able to tell you that to be sane; your subconscious mind should be in synch with your cortical brain. To do that the bible suggests that you relegate every need or want to God as he knows best what you need.

Simple so far, but unfortunately, the very person preaching leaving your earthly needs and possessions behind is the one collecting them behind you. Christianity and religion has never been practical, and I am not Islamic. I will instead approach this sanely question from medical point of view. Lower animals were born with only needs and no wants. The need to survive, breath, sex, food, territorial defence is just some of the midbrain centred drives that no one but a monk practicing absolute control will contest. Cortical function is minimal here, so is obesity and mental disorder.

We developed a lot of complex moral and philosophical cortical forebrain to complicate and suppress our brainstem needs. With the help of civilization and industrial revolution we have acquired a few brainstem needs like carbohydrate addiction to suppress. (Heroine if you have that as well) Our cortical forebrain contradicts this with the expectation of a Beyonce’ figure (before pregnancy) for life pressured on most of the first world women.  This is a conscious forebrain decision. To expect the cortical or forebrain decision making knowledge and drive to keep your weight healthy is like asking a human to not breathe for ten minutes under water.

The forebrain knows perfectly well what you have to do to keep Beyonce' figure but you are going to drown, the brainstem will win the fight and you will have to clear floating corpses off the pool unless the tactic changes. How you make sure then that one stays lean irrespective of the brain stem driven instinct to eat more carbohydrates on daily basis is not to tell her not to, but to give her a substitute to satisfy the drive,  without the attendant side effects.

We could be making women fat, depressed and prone to psych disease by driving this contradiction home on daily basis from media and the net. We could be funnelling women into the insanity channel by keeping the contraction alive in asking them to not take a breath under water irrespective of what their base of brain instincts tell them. Are we destined to be fat and insane unless we acquire this very trait to keep harmony between the two brains?

If biochemistry and physiology  of beauty and health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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