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Thursday, 6 October 2011

Premature Ejaculation, are you holding the tool from the wrong end?

Sex is a taboo subject, premature ejaculation is even worse so, religious cloth or not. Medicine does little justice to both subjects and will be judged by the millions of not so satisfied male clients lining the escort agencies lists, not to mention the just warmed up females expecting more only to be met by the usual ‘thank you mam’ phrase.

We have a classification of premature ejaculation according to DSM IV or IELT that has little advantages as far as treatment, prognosis or anything for that matter. It could have served better purpose if the female as a judge of the performance was taken into consideration. If your wife’s was about to get orgasmic at say twenty minutes into this explosive and yet drenched exercise and you shed your load at say nineteen, then you have premature ejaculation, period. Fixing the time to one to two minutes as IELT wants us to believe is of no use to your marriage either. The vagina is of more use than just fixing the 'on your mark' stop watch.

On the opposite side we have the study that found that uncircumcised men with premature ejaculation hardly ever raped anybody. Premature ejaculation practically excludes sex being used as a crime tool. This is not to say that this foreskin bearing group won’t use something else to abuse women, but at least we removed the bullets from this gun. This is important in view of HIV epidemic. The jury is still out on how the reduced HIV incidence belief for circumcised men is going to affect the women, under their newly freed organ. They will not only last longer exposing the women to time factor, but will cause more damage with bleeding that usually accompanies most rapes.

We use not an SSRI, any local anaesthetic drug or psychotherapy for any of the above common ill. The tool is in your hands and any gun held from the muzzle end and fired will be an unreliable gun. You need to use what you have to your advantage. A premature loss of the load for example is not necessarily a disaster, repeating the sexual encounter within a calculated time period could increase your ejaculatory time by as much as ten times. The subject though has to understand that the first episode may not satisfy much of her needs and be at peace with that. Using the condom might increase your time in attendance as well, but the most important part is the technique and or your position, which cannot be discussed on the internet.

If biochemistry and physiology of health  are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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