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Monday, 7 November 2011

Fast Foods, high Fructose Corn Syrup and Fatty Degeneration of the Liver

The cost in human life and money that heroine is claimed to have incurred is nothing compared to high fructose corn syrup.

Heroine at least is not legalized yet. The bad effects of heroine are preached everywhere and the culprits are usually snared fully aware of the effects if not kidnapped and purposefully addicted by gangs with evil intent. 
The picture with high fructose corn syrup is a little different. We pump the coke out of a tap at Mac Donald and stuff it into our kids growing bodies with disastrous effects. Open tap day or meal was the advert phrase if I remember it right. 
Most of this assault is on the liver causing fatty degeneration, yes the very fatty degeneration associated with alcohol abuse. Pancreas, subcutaneous area and omentum is not spared . 

Don’t drink alcohol as you are only a baby, but we will slip you a coke or Mac Donald instead. It is like saying don’t smoke dagga to save your growing lungs, but I will slip you dagga tea instead.

We lead our kids to our addiction waterhole and force them to drink. We present them with no alternative other than starvation if they don’t join in the gorge and drink yourself dumb arsenal. 
The complicity of the government in hauling the culprits in if you compare this to the campaign against drugs like heroine crossing the Mexican border into America is worrying.

Alcohol not only cause fatty degeneration, hepatitis, cirrhotic liver disease and hepatoma (cancer of the liver) but a myriad of other effects on the pancreas, brain, muscle, testis to name a few. Whether the full spectrum will be matched by the high fructose corn syrup, very legalized in food manufacturing, is still to be proven. Don’t let your kid be the guinea pig in this under handed experiment driven by profits at all costs mentality. 

Alcohol is only a fermented product of the sugars we pump our kids with on daily basis, not much different. The possibility therefore that the effects could be similar is not that far fetched. Science is as culpable in this carnage as the government is. 
Our only mitigation is that we gain nothing by promoting it or keeping quiet about it. That though might not be enough for us to escape the noose in a few years time when ignorance might be a crime.

If biochemistry and physiology of health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured


  1. Insightful and true. I've been trying with all I can to stop my kids from being given these things. Fizzy drinks

  2. Won't be easy. It's more addictive than anything we know. We need intervention from the law and the medical field to do its part
