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Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Michael Jackson Verdict, Justice almost Served

Any other verdict would have been criminal, even in our mad South African situation where I remember once a soldier was given a suspended sentence for using a kid as practice shooting a moving target.

Americans are just as messed up, why on earth is a cardiologist treating insomnia and how could he order Diprivan (anaesthesia) for home use. The defence team allegation that Michael injected himself is bull still as the diprivan was not meant to be there in the first place. There was no ventilator and no surgery to be done and Conrad is no anaesthetist. Medicine is science and the allegation that things could be done differently in different places is baseless. The allegation that America could be less capable of managing some conditions should not be an extenuating circumstance when it comes to sentencing either.

As a Michael Jackson fan I probably am biased and I am aware of it. He was the most unhealthy person around irrespective of his waist line circumference being less than 40 inch. He achieved that through interventional surgery and never corrected the underlying biochemistry and physiology. His time to report to his maker was long past. He was sicker than Pavarotti and he is long gone.

Law being what it is I was worried that the rich doctor could sneak out based on the fact that Michael would have died of almost anything anyway without much help from nobody. Have you ever heard of somebody dying of a heart attack just before the bullet strikes his brain stem pathological report curve ball. The scene was too much for him to be found out pants down, so the bullet didn’t technically kill him.

The kid we mention in the first paragraph died on impact and from the bullet I have to say and the defence/judge’s mitigating circumstances was that the soldier was too young to be given so much responsibility, that he was right they did not practice on moving targets in the army and to sum it all the target was black and therefore of lower standing in the animal farm scene. No heart attack before impact luck here. They did not need it, all the aces were checked and up their sleeve.

It is not all politics where the mess is as a woman killed by a husband was in the same manner given a suspended sentence because the woman was a nag. The home movie of a day in the accused husband life reminded the judge of his own troubles at home and he meted out in court what he could not at home.

This world is sick and one less sick Dr Diprivan won’t be missed in the looney queue. The focus now should be shifted to Dr Basson. He could be missing an ace or two.

If biochemistry and physiology of health  are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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