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Friday, 9 December 2011

Silicosis and Pulmonary TB, HIV combination

Africa is drowning and the spectators are health administrators helpless to turn the tide as the professionals are nowhere to be found, displaced by flagwaving politically right but mentally challenged appointees.
If I was talking the state hospitals and public health, you could say who cares, Zuma their chief is in it for his personal interest as well, but this is gold mines. I have spent the better part of my professional life in academic hospitals (when we still used to have some) and if the stats and what we have anecdoctally seen is anything to go by, doctors may have to face the ICC in my lifetime. We have let politcians gamble with peoples lives and watched from the touchline for too long.

TB, silicosis and the HIV don't mix. This is medically inexcusable. Political correctness has to be shelved to save Africa. Keeping an HIV positive silicotic miner underground is medically not correct as you are sentencing an innocent bystander in this power struggle to a premature death.

The wrath of our unions has to be faced head on to save the individuals. The inadequate compensatory mechanisms are no excuse to let government experiment on the sick. They were a signatory to the every page of the agreement. The impotent occupational disease board had to be challenged by the constitutional court recently when the mines/employer were made liable or open to be sued for occupational diseases directly, They then ignorantly blamed the employer and left it at that. What about the millions who have no access to a laywer? What about the wolves that the government will then be exposing this innocent masses to in this legal wild west. Has the Road Accident Fund taught us nothing about lawyers.

Where was the government then when the very people it accepted to insure were found to be sitting ducks/inadequately insured, which is basically what the constitutional court found. Zwelinzima Vavi as Cosatu head should be used to the maximum. In him I see a politician who would listen before burying his head in mass dollar/political rhetoric unison we have got so much used to from government. If politcians have their way he will soon be sent where Mbeki is, voiceless masses who think they can independently have an opinion about anything without reading it from a prepared speech.

How can academia be reduced to a back seat and have selective system of empowerment of the mentally challenged at the expense of knowledge. How can Africa be known to be so challenged academically when it has so much to offer. I would assume Malema would want us to win on all fronts, sports academic or otherwise. Does democracy allow the achondroplastics to represent the our country in a basket ball match if they are in the majority irrespective of them finishing last everytime. What is wisdom.Where is wisdom.

 If  biochemistry and physiology of health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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