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Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Jews should have told us why?

We are told that when our Lord Jesus found the demons too rooted in the woman’s body and or soul sheath out without much damage, he cast them into pigs. That wreaked havoc with disastrous long term consequences for a section of our community rooted in the former Bantustans of Transkei and Ciskei.

Neurocystercercosis is an unnatural occurrence in the lifecycle of the taenia solium, a common tapeworm. For most people the worst it can cause is weight loss, something most people can do with a little of unless you are from the horn of Africa. (Symbiotic existence is life) The measly pork that we undercook for reasons unrelated to electricity saving releases cystercerci loose into your stomach. This then develop into tapeworm, with potential lengths beyond imagination. 
The tapeworm thus formed attaches to the lumen of your gastro intestinal tract and siphons food off your plate at a rate that competes with your fat cells. The advantage this worm has is that it gets fed first then you, therefore the potential gold mine in weight loss industry.

The tail end sheds off in the stools to be eaten by a pig. (for people without toilets or on the Everest trail) The cycle is completed when we eat the undercooked measly pork again. 
Humans get the tapeworm in the gastro intestinal tract and pigs get the cystercerci in the muscle and brain. (meat) 
If by mistake the human occupies the pig section on this life cycle, this poor tapeworm is doomed, so is the person infected to a lesser extent because the cystercerci in the brain causes seizures/epilepsy. (Neurocystercercosis that is) 
For politically difficult to say reasons, Eastern Cape residents occupy the pig loci in the cycle. That's for sociology department to research and confirm what we suspect.

Parasitism is an evolutionary marvel and it is not meant to be a dead end (brain infested with cystercerci/nobody eats humans to continue the cycle). 
A section of our community is double tapping into the cycle so to say. Jews for reasons not so explicit were forbidden from being caught up in this. Could be the 600km, 41 yrs trip from Egypt had something to do with it. Infra structure is difficult to erect on the run.

If you conclude this is a biological weapon conspiracy of some sort to intellectually disarm the not so chosen arm of the population, I am not part. A theory at best is where it stands.
I don't prescribe it as a weight loss marvel either. Stuff the pork up your face at your own risk. 
The Bible is unequivocal about it. No single hoofed animals. That they have a bivid hoof ain't the end of the restrictions either, they should in addition feed on grass. Sotho speaking tribes of Africa should be on hallowed ground then, if your nose is only for cosmetic purposes.
 If  biochemistry and physiology of health  are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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