Professional belly burning clinic

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St Francis, Eastern cape/Garden route area, South Africa
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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Medicine, Girls and my HIV Reality

Starting any dialogue with a question has always been uncomfortable for me, ‘do you as a writer have anything to add to your subscribers or are you going to thumb suck your way through your interface?

I have very little choice here as my reality for almost half a century of medicine has been skewed. Women yearn to be size 28, want to be independent business directors and drive a M class merc. Men are gym freaks or hope to inherit a six pack, have two women on each arm with a combined mass of less than a hundred and twenty kilograms and plenty of money and time to satisfy their needs.

Welcome to KZN, the home of proportionately the most populated of our provinces. The pace of life is a lot more sedate. The needs of the communities are totally in reverse. You will die of hunger opening a weight loss establishment here; you will keep your streptokinase till expiry every time lest a more experienced of the lot makes you aware of what should be in your emergency rooms.

Disease profiles are obstets and tropical disease and that’s it. For the amount of obesity rolling along the streets one would expect a lot more diabetes and hypertension which is not the case. The incidence of schizophrenia/toxic psychosis is through the roof.

And most important and for obvious reasons HIV is epidemic and will take a lot from the professionals to reverse. Culture differentials are extreme to say the least and add most to the continued mass culling of teenage girls.

We have in our constitution the power to stop the mass infection but we seem very helpless irrespective of the pleas we make as professionals. Young girls below eighteen are infected every day plucked by older men who are more likely to be positive. The statutory rape passing through my hands on daily basis is said in hushed voices. The issue I am told is that culture supersedes life and the right of the girls to be negative.

If we took the law literally and placed a police station in each hospital, we would have very few men left in KZN. We would also have less HIV I hope and lots of prisons to accommodate the mandatory 15 year minimum sentence for rape. The beauty of the situation is that the cases would be the easiest of the rape trials to try, you have proof of contact in the baby, and the man cannot say he never saw the culprit unless it was in the dark which makes it worse. The product is there to indict him.

If biochemistry and physiology are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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