If Liz doesn't know what she is doing, the results determines her fate and she steps down. In six weeks.
If our MP or even our president doesn't know what they are doing, they found the right club. So right is the glove fit they have to wait to be charged by a similarly corrupted justice system in the form NPA to even wake up to the fact they may get pushed out by popular revolt.
That's what you get for lowering the entry level into political main stream, voted in by similarly disabled population, deftly crafted by a lowered education system.
Democracy in motion. Flawed to the core, but democracy nonetheless.
Bell curve is populated by same minded voters. One man one vote to be precise. Voting exclision on the basis of capability, let alone criminal record would be considered uncivilized.
To make matters worse the outnumbered
intelligencia are too busy to waste time on mundane run of the mill issues like voting. We need a dictator with a brain to represent us. One eyed kings voted in by one eyed masses are running democracies to the ground.
In fact it seems you qualify based on whether your IQ doesn't stray too much above your age in years.
"Welcome back comrade" hugs in abundance, prison cell or parliament alike, feeding troughs seats in abundance reserved for the select few.
Recycled even for those charged and convicted for the very crime. Thulas Nxesi's vote for Zuma can't numerically be equal to mine or else your maths is flawed.
*Women can't rape, based on the legal definition of rape, probably worsened by the fact that we can't provide no sperm for DNA analysis to fulfill the penetration definition criteria. Anybody who is ever owned a penis should know God gave it a mind of its own, with only minimal primal brain to drive it. If your cortical self can't outsmart it, you will be taking cold showers in the middle of winter, rape after rape. Women know that. She will be patiently waiting.
Even a pope gets érections, with grave consequences for some innocent altar boys in this case. Catholic church should have known better. It seems they haven't learned their lesson though, priests still have no release outlet, neither do the altar boys, unless they are keeping it a secret.
No excuse for the man nor the priest though unless the woman or the altar boy is on top and in control your case is weakened.*Culture defeats us too. Statutory rapists have to be outside KZN to be deemed as such, otherwise culture overrides the constitution. With an HIV incidence that high, it should rightly be redefined as attempted murder had the legal system stemmed from an independent statutory body. That for me was a way to up the rape conviction rate to almost 100% because the 'she asked for it' argument falls away. We could have wrestled the rape conviction out the courts into medical space, beginning to the end. We would need no lawyer. Mother is 13yrs at conception, pass the baby cord blood for DNA, father's blood for confirmation and castration in that order. The fix is to mitigate against space in prison being the limiting factor in applying the sequence fairly.*Nationally a minor cannot rape, thus the same gruesome act on that 14yrs old daughter of yours has to wait for the perpetrator to be defined further than DNA, or medical charge so to say. If the perpetrator is an adult male, such male might be guilty as charged, provided geographical limitations of cultural override don't apply. If the perpetrator is a 15 yrs old boy, sex between minors gets to be the default verdict. Diplomatic immunity we should probably call it.
How do we even begin to define an event as having occurred based on who the perpetrator is? How does the episode definition depend on who is judging?
We need something better than democracy. We need something better than lawyers and judges.
How pitched the scream outside the court room 'about asking for it' shouldn't determine or modify the verdict, irrespective of where it comes from. Malema, Vavi, Blade, Bathabile or an angel from God, kanga or naked.
Judge being defined as a student marking his own script gets new meaning in South Africa.
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