Professional belly burning clinic

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Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Optimism gaining upper hand? Faith sneaking through?

Walking on rock cliffs along the beach is a new found passion for me. Couldn't be enough just to follow the path like all young and old do whole day long. Tried and tested scientific paths with disclaimers outnumbering vegetation covering everybody but you. The adrenaline junkie in me needed more fire though. Need to carve a new path where non existed before burns deep in me. 
I discovered though that the trusted survival instinct of collapsing in a heap the minute I step wrong could be a dangerous liability from a cliff edge. This cataplexic reflex saved many a hospital visit for a fractured ankle I could have had throughout my lifetime. 

 A lion cup with its head in the mouth of a giant goes into cataplexic default mode. A crocodile litter enjoys a safe ride in the jaws of loving mother to the nearest stream. A human baby loses a Monroe  reflex by few weeks as it learns to trust the noisy changed neighborhood she or he is adopted into since birth. Females a lot faster to the target than boys as usual. Could this be the probable natural order of things. The way God meant it to be if a priest got asked for explanation.

To trust that the next level of support could be better irrespective of the immediate quick scan report is optimism at its best. Your eyes scan  environnement and relay the data to your cortex all the time, you slip and you go cataplexic. Unforgivable if you fall 6 meters down and break something more than just an ankle. This is faith proven in scientific experiment over and over again. No need to invoke the mystics, part no sea or burn a tree to get Moses this side of the line drawn on the sand, yet we're still at odds as far as science and spirituality is concerned. 

What is it overriding my visual cortical report beyond the six senses that we have categorised at scientific level? Might help a bit if a priest and a scientist could speak the same language sometimes. Might help a bit if the spiritual scientist doesn't have to think in two parallel planes. Objectivity shelved the minute you dorn that priestly robe or risk being subjected to everlasting hell fire.
Remember the climber praying to God as he free fell 3 km from a cliff face. He made a promise to obey every command without question if saved. Suddenly the rope tightened and stopped him, mid air, but it was pitch dark every where. The booming voice of the Lord asked him to take his knife out and cut the rope. Needless to say he refused. 'Saved me and then kill me, in sequence' think I am stupid, he thought. The frozen corpse was found the morning after. Only two meters above ground and 10 meters from the base camp fire.

At least my cortical brain is trying to cross the line. I am being tripped by my evolutionary self. Faith for better even when input data feed seems grave. I might have to follow the footpath herd to save myself from scientific fundamentalist. My brain is wired to believe. Sorry to fellow scientists. We don't squeel. Lying to myself is just as difficult though. Easier to lie to the public, if politicians have to be believed. 

Humans get persimistic with age, at least from the toddler stage. You learn that some environmental interactions are catastrophic, if used erroneously. Fire being a very good example. 
I can't for the sake of me learn to stay upright and sacrifice an ankle though. Cut your losses while the door is still open, so to say. Do I have to get hypnotized into it. Where is higher cortical control we're so renowned for. Plastic brain my foot.

You can only be embarrassed as the worst outcome if instability creeps in for whatever reason, my reflex control seems to be. That only applies off the dangerous cliffs face though. My brainstem got to be awakened to changing cortical scan. My spirituality is still in developmental stages. My fork is still pin straight, no matter how spirited I have tried my skill at bending it. 
There is power beyond our cortex. There is reason beyond science. Just have to able to tap on it and come back on the right side of the psych hospital fence. 

If   biochemistry and physiology of beauty and health are the elements of every mix, then results are assured

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