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Thursday, 26 May 2011

Depression and Religion

Anxiety and depression is not so much what is out there in the environment but how you react to it. That says a lot about the industrialization and its effect on the people and it’s not positive. If every time one got a change in your environment (stressor), you actively pulled yourself out of the situation and assumed an armchair stance just for a while, rather than accept a porn in a chess game status, we‘d have a lot less depression. Mini meditation and relevance of religion is starkly emphasized by this experiment where monk's meditation was shown to be better than orgasm/heroin on pect scans when dopaminergic surge in the nucleus accumbens was measured. We are talking of objective results. It doesn’t stop here, a missionary hospital in India with limitations beyond a third world’s was found to have success rate comparable to the best in Europe (matched group) post triple bypass. The group in Europe were prepared (pre op) with a prayer to give them the same advantage and their success rate dramatically improved above missionary group.

Medically speaking anxiety is a chemical outburst of adrenergic stimulation followed by increased cortisol from suprarenal glands. This only transforms to stress and depression (pathology) if it is sustained and doesn’t come back to basal levels for days on end leading to lowered serotonin and immune response level. Negative feedback is supposed to inhibit the hypothalamus from further corticotrophin release factor.  Without stress we are doomed as a species. In fact we would not be where we are evolutionarily. Other than death and tax, change is the only other constant in life and one has to be able to respond to it. Brain being what it is we still responding the same way we did to invading saber tooth tigers of ice age. Ignorance is really bliss in some situations.  Retardation is associated with unblemished sense of freedom from day to day stressors.

With a little medical background we can now see that Mother Theresa got an opposite effect. The more enlightened and closer she got to God the more lost and in the dark she felt. Most of us follow that similar pathway. One needs a little more than a loin cloth to be a monk.  When a Anglican priest resigned recently because she couldn’t preach forgiveness when she personally couldn’t forgive (child was raped and killed by known criminals) it made me realize that there could be salvation in church. There are some isolated cells of relevance and accountability to God at individual level irrespective of detrimental effect to the individual. The other extreme though that limits the use of religion is the Christian/islamists who use fundamentalism as an excuse to cause harm to others whether physical, emotional or economic. We dare not forget those that would use the bible to line their pocket irrespective of the mortality or morbidity associated with their actions.

If we could use the positive effect of religion to our advantage in conditions where it is superior to drugs, we would have much further outreach and finance would not be a limiting factor. Ignorance or leaving everything to be taken care of by our father could really be bliss. Divine intervention we hope will one day save us at a mass level but in the meantime we need to be able to separate the thugs from the sheep even from within the church, if we hope to use this to our benefit.

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