It’s tempting to get bewitched by the attraction of raw food and its unhampered offerings. It’s very attractive in the first world situation where almost everything is refined and sterile unless you are in Germany (recent outbreak) to get whisked away by the aroma of fiber and anti cancerous benefits associated with raw food.
My childhood memories of scrambled eggs is something almost impossible to think of as food, cooked to bone with very little protein left to nourish. Reality is though very different. I was starkly reminded of that when I saw an eight year old with cranial stenosis the other day.
Fire and its relationship to evolution is complex and we can only draw postulates.
Without fire we would probably still be apes.
Our muscles for mastication would still be trapping our brain from growing to human level.
To chew all the tough raw meat and grains we had to have molars like grinders.
To motorize those molars we needed the bigger muscles that we anchored on the temporal parietal bones.
This trapped the growth of our brain until we discovered fire, then the muscles could become weaker.
They needed less power to chew the softened food.
Could we possibly swab a bigger brain for a bigger jaw?
Would we be prepared to reverse evolution for the right to chew unprocessed food?
Would we be prepared to swap a spacecraft for tree hopping?
Other less political issues like infections would be very difficult to argue against.
Parasitic infections like tapeworm would still be devastating lots of communities in many parts of the world, not to mention bacterial infections.
Heat is a good sterilization method, probably better than any other.
It is still used to sterilize theatre instruments to this day.
The answer to food cooked or raw dilemma should be individualized.
There still are foods (washed salad ingredients as a good example) that should still be used raw for nutritional reasons. The folic acid in most of these green leafy vegetables doesn’t survive cooking.
By the way the relationship to cranial stenosis is that in this case the brain is trapped by early fusion of one or two sutures and brain grows only in one direction or not at all.
The insult that we may have thrown the fundamental religious direction by implying evolution is given is not purposeful. I always had to wear two caps when I walk into a church, believe doesn’t question.
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