Posh could have been a medical textbook of what not to do to
manage ones weight, but with so much ignorance about what is right but with so much ‘ready
made quick and on the plate’ mentality flying around, nobody wants to wait and understand
the mechanism of anything let alone of their own health.
Weight management has nothing to do with a surgical knife or
lipid suctioning apparatus. If done the quick and ready made way, it will come
back as the primary defect has not been corrected. The yoyo effect is what
makes the weight industry a recurring payment system. The drug industry is
certainly not going to help solve the vicious cycle, Posh can't be expected to do that either. If weight management is done the right way, the
knife or pill is only a complimentary addendum to the process.
Many of those who follow the weight management system right, about 95% to be
exact will need no surgical intervention at all. If done right the whole family
is pulled onboard the same train of healthy eating and weight management through
eating more of the non processed and natural food without them even making a conscious decision.
Most of the women instituting our programme find that their husbands lose proportionally
more of their waistline without even being aware they are being cheated into
eating all natural food, call it below the belt punch if you like, but it works.
The programme is whole family life style change and will
naturally safe you money as the fast foods and coke gets ditched into the bin,
the health benefits start showing. The blood pressure and diabetic medicine
start being unnecessary, gout medicines and acne becomes a story of the past.
Cancer and supplements get relegated to the bin. The libido and sex drive come
natural without Viagra and its Chinese equivalents.
As we started off, we recommended weight management not
starvation to shed weight in the short term at all costs. We recommend health not
pathology in the form of ketosis that is so dominant in the weight loss
industry as a form of quick fixes or on the plate and complete served menus. We
recommend drugs only when the cause of the pathological weight is found and
We recommend
the surgical intervention only after 10 days of implementing one of our programmes
and I will repeat 95% see no need for surgical intervention if they follow the
right eating systems we suggest. Join us for an average of 250 rands for a life
long healthy weight and cancer free solution for the whole family. Any of the embedded links on the right will lead you to the new look you the healthy way.If biochemistry and
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